Who We Are
Founded in 1927 by Union College Educators to be a 501(c)(3) Non-Profit Organization, within only a few months into 1928 we were in our own picturesque little theater (a former mid 19th century Masonic temple) in Schenectady’s historic Stockade District. We’ve been here ever since, always growing. We acquired the former Red Cross building next door to provide space for our costume collection, group activities, office and archival work. We have now created a new wing, connecting our two buildings, adding new lobby space, new bathrooms and most importantly a new elevator!
We’ve produced almost 450 plays, each requiring as many as 100 volunteer performers, directors and backstage workers. That’s made us the successful community theater we are today.
From the beginning we’ve carried our own weight. Ticket sales, growing season subscription support, patron gifts and tremendous volunteer work have provided affordable theater, funded on-going improvements, and kept us operating consistently in the black with minimal funding from grants. You, along with people like you, make it happen. You’re the key to our on-going success!
Our constant goal is to present a well-balanced mix of professional-quality theater, from recent Broadway hits to the classics to the avant-garde.
President - Melissa Brown
Vice President - Tom Heckert
Secretary - Jean Carney
Treasurer - Jennifer Van Iderstyne
Business Manager - Steve King
PR/Marketing - Laura Graver
Volunteer/Operations - Elise Charlebois (w/Beth Rumen)
Production - Jennifer Van Iderstyne
Play Selection - Laura Graver/Michael Schafer
Membership - Elise Charlebois/Jean Carney/Jennifer Van Iderstyne/David Zwierankin
Board Memberships are for three-year terms and two consecutive terms may be served. Board Members are nominated after one year as an eligible member of The Schenectady Civic Players.