Saturday, June 11th at 7:30pm on Schenectady Civic Players’ Main Stage!
Be Scene is Back!
Colleen Lovett and David Rook
Is there a scene you’ve always wanted to do? Do you have a friend you’ve been dying to do a show with? Well, here’s your chance! Perform anything you want, with anyone you want in the Schenectady Civic Players’ “Be Scene 2022” on Saturday, June 11th, 2022.
Be Scene 2022 will follow SCP’s Covid guidelines. Be sure to bring vaccine card, ID and face mask.
What is Be Scene?
A night of scenes, acting, friends, and fun!
Choose a scene or a monologue and submit it to bescene@civicplayers.org for consideration. (Preference will be given to scenes this year to give as many people as possible an opportunity to be on the boards.)
A scene selection committee will be reviewing all submissions and creating a program based on time and variety.
The contact people for selected scenes will be notified by phone or email. Please indicate your preferred contact method when submitting scenes.
2022 Schedule (note mandatory dates):
Preview of Selected Pieces Date and Time - TBA
ONE Tech/Dress (mandatory) for all participants on Friday, June 10th at 7:00pm.
Performance on Saturday, June 11thth at 7:30PM (Mandatory call is 6:30PM)
Here are the rules:
Groups may consist of one actor performing a monologue or multiple individuals with or without a director.Preference is going to scenes this year.
If you submit a monologue, we recommend 3-5 minutes in length.
Submitted scenes should be no more than 8-10 minutes in length. This limitation is critical. Please mind the maximum length.
Set pieces will be strictly limited. There will be four 4-legged chairs and three small side tables.
Props must be managed and carried by actors.
Space will be limited, so not all scenes may be selected.
All participants will be responsible for their own rehearsals and production needs. Set, lights, sound and costumes should be kept to a minimum; ideally, scenes will focus on the actors and their work.
Original works will be considered.
At this time musical numbers will not be accepted.
Submissions should be sent no later than Monday, April11th, 2022. Email bescene@civicplayers.org
We anticipate a number of submissions. Submissions received prior to the deadline will be given priority in the selection process.
Submissions should include (extra credit for complete submissions):
● Submitter Name, Email and Phone
● Is submitter the primary contact? (Yes or No) If no, Name, Email and Phone of primary contact.
● Name of Piece
● Author of Piece
● A PDF of Piece
● Estimated Duration of Piece
● Number of Actors
● Names of Actors and Roles
● If applicable, Name of Director
● Set Pieces (We are strictly limiting your set pieces to four 4-legged chairs and three small side tables)
● Desired Props (example: phone, glassware, etc.) (bring your own)
We expect to select scenes by Saturday, April 30th.
Selected scenes will be notified by email.
We expect to have a day when you show a rough run of your work. We want to see what your piece looks like, how long you are running and if you are following the set piece guidelines.
The running order for the final program will be determined closer to the performance night at the discretion of SCP and the co-producers.
The performance will be Saturday, June 11th at 7:30pm and open to the general public as a Pay-What-You-Will evening.
We hope to have a post-performance social event, but we will be guided by all rules applicable to Covid precautions.
Don’t miss this special event at SCP. Have fun with your friends and celebrate the community aspect of Community Theater!
If you’re interested in participating but don’t have a scene partner, simply let us know, provide your information and if enough participants are interested, we will make an introduction.